2. Getting to know your TeamBridge dashboard

2. Getting to know your TeamBridge dashboard

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On this page

Dashboard Overview

Imagine a command center that collects, organizes, and displays all the critical information your team needs. That's your TeamBridge Dashboard. Its intuitive design lets you navigate to the most important data with ease. We'll break the dashboard into several components that you'll use on a daily basis when interacting with the platform.

Home Page

Your Dashboard houses essential components such as timesheet summaries, daily snapshots, and automated workflows. It's the first page you'll see when you log into Teambridge. View real-time updates of your team's daily activities with shift alerts. and understand daily performance all from a glance. You can access the home page at any time by clicking "Home" in the upper left hand corner of the screen.



Team Chat

Team Chat is your go to for communicating with your team. You can use Team Chat to reach out to individuals, grouped by locations they work or directly to an individual. Your team can use chat to reach a specific department, like payroll or scheduling, without having to use hard to track emails or text messages. Team Chat is accessible in the upper left hand corner of the page.


Workspaces and Navigation Bar

Your Teambridge space is comprised of many workspaces, which you can create from templates or from scratch. Each workspace provides a purpose - weather it is to see your current staff members, add locations or create schedules and views for your team.

You'll navigate between workspaces using the navigation bar on the left side of the page. You can also create and update workspaces from the navigation bar.

See the Workspaces Academy for more details!

Settings Menu

In the lower left hand corner of the page, after clicking on your user name, you'll see the settings menu. Here, you can access your permissions settings, automations, form builder and your personal profile. You'll use the settings menu to change how the dashboard works and interacts with different members of your team.




Need additional help? Don't hesitate to reach out to Teambridge support, which can be found in the upper right hand corner of the page or by contacting support@teambridge.com. During working hours, our team is available within minutes to help. You can also find helpful articles and guides.

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