Options For All

Options For All

At A Glance
  • Custom scheduling rules helped Options For All achieve a 100% scheduling efficiency score based on their own internal benchmarking
  • Custom workspaces and calendaring with custom filters highlighted staffing opportunities and opportunities to better serve clients
  • After 6 months Options For All rolled out to their entire workforce and now saves over $84,000 each month with TeamBridge.
About the client
Company Size
1000+ employees
San Diego, CA

The OFA story

Options For All (OFA) is a California, 501(c)3 non-profit organization, dedicated to creating and supporting opportunities for adults with I/DD in making choices to live, work, and enjoy life in their community with dignity and respect.


The challenge

One of the most complex challenges of managing a unique organization like Options For All was the various client needs. Matching the correct service providers and clients was a challenge that no workforce management platform had been able to solve.

Inefficient schedules were costing OFA an unknown amount of time and money. The core operations team knew there had to be a better way to ensure enough clients were matched with each service provider’s shift, while taking into account language, gender, skill, and location preferences.


A TeamBridge solution

With TeamBridge, Options For All implemented a series of customizable scheduling rules that allowed their managers to quickly place the correct clients with service providers.

Custom views and filters allowed for each team member to have a workspace tailored to their day-to-day workflow. Each Options For All team member now had a way to pinpoint any professional who was not fully booked, allowing them to optimize their schedules.

Options For All Custom Scheduling
Sample of Options For All Custom Scheduling Configuration



Automations built by the OFA team further streamlined operations, scheduling and even a custom manager, and client referral workflow.


Automations power many of Option For All’s workflows, ensuring consistency and efficient cost savings.



The Result

Options For All worked with TeamBridge over the course of implementation to ensure schedule rules and automations matched team needs. Schedule optimization prior to TeamBridge was hovering around 15%. Three months after rolling out TeamBridge to a pilot program, scheduling efficiency reached 100% according to internal benchmarking.

Options For All proceeded to roll out the new platform to all programs, each of which was also able to hit 100% efficiency in short order. After complete roll out the time and cost savings of the new platform OFA were calculated to be just over $84,000 per month, over 1 million in labor costs saved yearly.


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