Product Updates

TeamBridge is a best in class technology platform helping workforce driven organizations become the fastest, most efficient teams in the world.

4.1.24 Release

Shift Groups

We added a new database called Shift Groups that will allow you to group shifts.


Shift Group Requests

With the new Shift Groups database you can open shift groups on the calendar for staff members to claim on their mobile app. These requests also show in the existing shift request widget.



Introducing Roll-up! A new column type that empowers you to peak into related data. Count or sum up attributes on any connected database, or even create a progress tracker. Show a percentage of completed tasks (completed tasks / total tasks) for each user or track no shows all on from you User table. These roll-up values can be sorted, filtered, or exported along with the rest of the table data!


Generated Schema

Another new column type! Now you can create a custom ID, or group other information into one column however you want with this fully configurable generated schema.


Bug Fixes & Additional Reports

As always we added additional optimizations to the platform, added some of the most requested report options and more behind the scenes enhancements.

1.31.24 Release

Archiving Options

A frequently requested feature from the TeamBridge community has been the ability to decide what happens to shifts when a the location or the assigned user associated with the shift is archived. Now when you archive a location, user or role a pop-up modal will show asking you how you would like to modify those related shifts!


Inline Adding Objects

Tired of going to your Roles or Locations section to add an additional option of a users profile? Well now you can! Say hello to inline editing. This means that any linked object even the shift assignment drop down will now give you the option to create a new value right there.


Dashboard Widget Cards

We’ve added the ability to customize dashboard payroll-related widgets. Accounts can now show Last Payroll, Current Payroll, Last Bill, or Current Bill amounts.


Additional Report Option Updates

In this release you’ll also see several updates to invoice and payroll export reports that have been requested.


Shift Group Board View

TeamBridge admins can now create board-view widgets according to “Shift Group” which can allow users to effectively view fulfilled & unfulfilled shifts.

11.21.23 Release

New Holiday Policies
You’ll now see a new settings module to add specific days as “holidays” and have them associated with a pay-rate/OT multiplier per location.


New Time-Off Features 
A new and improved experience on the mobile and web app that allows for and fixed accrual logic for time-off settings.


New Permission Settings 
New permission toggle to show/hide reverse collections on mobile as well as a new permission toggle to disable/enable chat DMs sent between employees.


Timezone Selector 
Ability to set and update timezone of a specific shift directly on detail modal screen.


Better Error Messaging 
More descriptive and better error messaging for common workflows added.